FECRIS: The French Anti-Cult Movement Supporting Putin

FECRIS, the acronym for the European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects, is based in Marseille, France. It is heavily funded by the French government but operates throughout Europe and in several non-European countries. However, most of the non-French groups and associations that have joined FECRIS are very small, sometimes consisting of one or two people, and sometimes they exist only on paper.

This French organization, founded in Paris in 1994 by predominantly French anti-cult groups, had previously tarnished their reputation with kidnappings, acts of violence, involvement in strange suicides, and similar incidents. 

Now, it has come to light that FECRIS, the French anti-cult movement, supports Putin. After the Maidan and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014, the Russian branch of FECRIS supported the aggression against Ukraine, claiming that Maidan was organized by “cults.”

In 2022, after the second invasion of Ukraine, FECRIS attempted to distance itself from the Russian anti-cultists. However, the Russian branch of FECRIS had already started its anti-Ukrainian campaign in 2014.

Alexander Dvorkin, vice-president of FECRIS from 2009 to 2021, has been the driving force behind the Kremlin’s anti-Western propaganda. FECRIS, as an organization, should be held accountable for the activities of its Russian associations.

It is important to note that not all politicians contacted by FECRIS were unaware of the situation; in some cases, the politicians themselves were directly involved in FECRIS’s activities, such as the current French president of the federation.

Fortunately, alongside the invasive and questionable activities of FECRIS, numerous NGOs have emerged to defend religious minorities. These minorities have been attacked for years by this anomalous French Moloch that tramples on the right to freedom of belief of millions of individuals. Now, many federated associations have taken FECRIS to a French court, demanding its dissolution.

For more information on the illegal activities of anti-cult organizations, see this article:
