Who Silences European Politicians?

Who prevents European politicians from speaking freely, especially regarding freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, which are guaranteed by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? The answer to this question is presented in the book “Anti-Cult Movements and State Neutrality. Object of Study: FECRIS,” written by distinguished scholars and jurists from five European countries. FECRIS, the European Federation of Centres of Research and Information on Cults and Sects, is based in Marseille, France. I wrote about this organization in my previous article. It turns out that as soon as a notable public figure raises the issue of religious freedom in a specific context, FECRIS and its affiliated organizations organize a scandal around that person’s views and publicly “shame” them, mocking or insulting them. FECRIS agents use their connections to stir public outrage until the person retracts their statements, fearing damage to their reputation, or even completely withdraws from public activity, becoming a scapegoat.

The use of such false “denunciations” and intellectual terrorism aimed at provoking “public outrage” is not limited to a specific field. This mechanism can be applied in various domains, and the victim rarely survives such a campaign without damage. The current situation of personal rights in Germany and the existing media laws are such that victims rarely manage to neutralize the consequences of online “shaming” and successfully defend their position. However, it is encouraging that, even in these difficult informational conditions, there are heroes—representatives of the German scientific community—who dare to speak out in defense of religious freedom and democracy.

In such conditions, anti-cult organizations in Germany are allowed to do whatever they want. They exploit the fact that in Europe there is no a priori respect for different religious beliefs, which could otherwise make defamatory campaigns impossible. All of this is reminiscent of the Inquisition, and it is painful to see how innocent people suffer.

Recently, I came across a video titled “The Redemption of the Great Masters. The Secret Players Revealed” on the platform earthsavesciencecollaborative.com. This is the official website of Egon Cholakian, a national security expert, intelligence services lecturer, who has worked with four US presidents and participated in major American intelligence projects, including the restricted Area 51. In this video, Professor Cholakian reports on an investigation whose results reveal a pattern of manipulation of anti-cult organizations by agents of a secret structure in various countries.

  1. The goal of these agents is the destruction of democracy and its foundations in various countries, including the West and post-Soviet states.
  2. During the period of informational confrontation between the West and Russia, these agents expand their network in democratic countries, using the media of these countries. 
  3. The media plays an important role in shaping public opinion in a state, and for this reason, they are often called “the fourth estate” or “the watchdog of democracy.” 
  4. If the public opinion of a country is shaped by foreign influence agents, the question arises of who holds power in that country.


More information about Egon Cholakian and the criminal activities of anti-cult organizations can be found in this article: https://midhudsonnews.com/2024/04/29/unraveling-global-threat-insights-from-egon-cholakian-national-security-expert/ 

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