The Handwriting of Anticultists

Dear readers, thank you for reading and thereby promoting such an important topic as #anticultism.

Surprisingly, after watching a video with the respected doctor and lecturer of American intelligence Egon Cholakian on the platform: (by the way, this video has been translated into different languages on various YouTube channels), I discovered that the topic of anticultism is very relevant on the internet.

In this article, I will continue to reveal important information about anticultism, which I learned precisely from the video with E. Cholakian. He illustrates this information using the organization “ALLATRA” as an example.

So, let’s move on to the details and facts about how specifically anticultists manipulate the consciousness of all humanity.

Let’s start with a simple example: in front of you are two classic defamatory articles about the organization “ALLATRA”.


As you can see, they have similar titles, contain the same demonizing phrases and labels, and globally the same negative rhetoric towards the organization and its volunteers. However, despite the obvious similarity, these articles are published by different authors, in different publications, and even in different countries. Countries that have been actively opposing each other since 2014, and since 2022 have been in a state of acute military conflict, with diametrically opposed rhetoric in the media. These countries are Ukraine and Russia.

However, it is paradoxical that, in this case, despite the total hostility between these two states, we observe a surprising similarity in the content of these defamatory articles. I want to draw your attention to the identical stigmatizing terms used in both countries to label “ALLATRA”. These terms are: “sect,” “totalitarian sect,” and “destructive sect.” These terms are characteristic mainly of post-Soviet countries because they were intentionally introduced and spread in their media space to form a negative attitude towards those to whom they are applied. The term “totalitarian sect” was introduced into common usage in 1993 and was used to define organizations that pose a danger to people and the state. The term “destructive sect” is synonymous with “destructive cult” and refers to organizations that cause physical or moral harm to people and society.

Therefore, by using the term “destructive sect” regarding the organization “ALLATRA,” the journalists-authors of the defamatory articles in both countries accuse the participants of “ALLATRA” without trial of causing harm to people and society. That is, of things that the participants did not commit. Notice how the texts of the articles from the two countries have very similar or even identical rhetoric: the same derogatory comparisons towards the organization, the same phrases taken out of context. Additionally, journalists exploit the existing hostility between the countries, constructing false accusations against the organization “ALLATRA” based on the political and ideological moods of the country’s inhabitants.

See for yourself: for Russian residents, journalists label “ALLATRA” as a “pro-Ukrainian sect,” “pro-American sect,” a sect funded by the West, as a project of the Ukrainian security service, and so on. And for Ukrainian residents, they label it as a “pro-Russian sect,” “sect of the Russian world,” a project of the Federal Security Service of Russia. Moreover, they use emotional stigmatizing labels such as “pro-Putin sect,” “sect that prays to Putin,” “sect where Putin is their god.” This method is based on making accusations that have no real basis but serve as a trigger for negative resonance within the respective country. According to the discrediting campaign organized in Russia, “ALLATRA” is pro-Ukrainian and funded by the West. In Ukraine, it is pro-Russian and funded by Russian special services. These are absurd accusations that contradict each other. The application of identical discrediting methods in both countries, where even the article headlines sound similar, only the names of the special services change depending on the audience, once again testifies to a carefully planned disinformation campaign, which has a single client. The fact that identical fabricated accusations against “ALLATRA” come from warring countries indicates that there is a third party interested in this, which has influence on the media in both these countries, and whose influence remains strong even during wartime.

And here, a logical question arises: who is this client and what is this force that is capable of embedding its single narrative in the media space of two warring countries?

More information on the methods of disinformation and the activities of anticult organizations can be found here.