Terrible Reprisals by FECRIS

You confidently assert that this issue does not concern you. But is that really the case? I will go further: no one is safe from the reprisals of this organization. Even if you are absolutely peaceful individuals, if this organization decides to target you, it is uncertain that you will only suffer psychological and physical harm; it could be even worse.

To substantiate my point, I will cite some facts.

Lawyer Evgenia Tarasenko has revealed to the public the true face of the current international anti-cult movement, FECRIS. The roots of this organization trace back to the sadistic organization “Cult Awareness Network,” abbreviated as “CAN.” 

I will quote some excerpts from Evgenia Tarasenko’s video:

“This movement, let’s call it that, spread in the United States during the 1970s and ’80s. What did it consist of? If a person’s environment (their relatives, loved ones) did not like that they were involved in a certain organization, simply because they were not paying attention to their parents or family but were engaged in their own life, they would order a deprogramming service.

This was carried out with the following steps: First, the person was kidnapped, loaded into a van, and taken to an unknown location. They were locked in a room with no windows or doors. They were handcuffed. They were subjected to physical and psychological violence. A weapon was pointed at them. There are documented cases of sexual violence as well. All of this was done with the sole purpose of making the person renounce their beliefs.”

Thus, any disliked person could suffer this fate during a forced encounter with this organization.

In 1996, under the weight of lawsuits from former victims of “deprogramming,” this organization went bankrupt and was supposed to cease its activities. However, in 2000, a US court found some members of “CAN” guilty of acts of violence and kidnapping.

Evgenia Tarasenko continues: “I will quote an excerpt from the US court’s ruling. The American court recognized the organization “CAN” and several agents of this organization as guilty of kidnapping people, assault, describing these acts as “so horrendous in their nature and so shocking in their severity as to exceed all possible bounds of decency, being brutal and utterly unacceptable in a civilized society.”

But despite everything, the “CAN” organization did not cease its activities, it only changed its name.

It should be noted that between the late 1980s and mid-1990s, the so-called “Exit Counseling” gained particular popularity, which is rumored to be a modern and moral method of freeing a person from psychological violence. And it was supposed to be completely voluntary. It consists of a series of techniques and methods intended to convince people to leave various types of organizations, groups, and associations considered dangerous or destructive.

Evgenia Tarasenko continues: “So, the first point. They are meant to convince people. The second point – these organizations are considered dangerous by someone. So, once again, someone creates the image of a dangerous cult, of the danger not only of the cult but also of a single organization, or a corporate structure, attaching the label of “destructive cult,” “destructive sect,” “totalitarian sect,” and you have to agree with this. Isn’t this religious extremism? Isn’t this a forced change of your opinion? If you are offered an outright lie.”

Lawyer Evgenia Tarasenko states: “Steven Hassan in his book introduces the concept of “destructive cult” and “destructive mind control.” And, as I have already said, his book is the bible for the activities of anti-cult activists, let’s call them that. Because the concept of “sect” and “destructive sect” was invented by them. Initially, cult referred to a religious organization. Who is Steven Hassan, if he says he has dedicated 25 years to psychological work and the development of psychological methods for the voluntary exit of a person from a cult? Who is he really? Steven Hassan is a former active deprogrammer, an active member of the “CAN” organization.

Lawyer Evgenia Tarasenko cites an example of one of Hassan’s deprogramming victims. This is Arthur Rose, who provided sworn testimonies revealing the details of the severe moral and physical abuses he suffered from Hassan. Arthur Rose was forcibly kidnapped and imprisoned, tied hand and foot, and deprived of sleep for several consecutive days. He was not allowed to shave or wash, and there was no privacy — he was even deprived of the right to relieve himself without witnesses. In the end, Arthur Rose managed to escape after seven days, but during that period, he was subjected to coercive methods by Hassan, which Arthur later described as brainwashing and mind control techniques. Hassan even threatened to give Arthur a series of injections if he did not renounce his religious beliefs.

It follows that a person who was an active deprogrammer, essentially committing crimes, is now a guru of exit counseling. And he is referenced by Alexander Dvorkin, a well-known cult expert and anti-cult movement activist.

Examining the materials presented by American intelligence expert Egon Cholakian in “Undeclared war. America is under attack” on the international ESSC platform, the facts outlined in this article emerged.