How to Recognize Defamation and Disinformation in Articles

In today’s information landscape, disinformation has become a powerful weapon that can undermine the stability of entire nations. An investigation conducted by Dr. Egon Cholakian revealed the existence of forces seeking to weaken America from within by spreading disinformation in the media. To counter these efforts, it is essential to understand the nature of these forces and their motivations.

The Importance of Combating Disinformation

Disinformation can harm not only individuals but also entire countries and even the world. It undermines trust in institutions, destroys social bonds, and creates uncertainty. To protect ourselves from disinformation, we must learn to distinguish truth from falsehood and take a mindful approach to the information we consume.

Video Report “Undeclared War: America Under Attack”

Egon Cholakian’s video report “Undeclared War: America Under Attack” reveals the true nature of the hidden forces influencing our thoughts. This material is essential viewing for those who want to be independent thinkers and protect their families and country. The report urges viewers to be aware of the information they consume and understand its impact on their lives.

Who is Egon Cholakian?

Egon Cholakian is an intelligence and national security expert with an impressive career. He has worked as a federal lobbyist, registered foreign representative, and member of the United States Geospatial Intelligence Foundation. Throughout his career, he has collaborated with four U.S. Presidents, including participation in Reagan’s “Kitchen Cabinet,” three National Security Advisors, and a CIA Director.

Key Findings of the Investigation

The results of a 30-year extensive investigation conducted by Cholakian’s team have been detailed to the public. In his video, he provided examples of how disinformation is created, how it penetrates the media, and how it influences people’s perceptions. He also offered advice on how to stay vigilant and protect oneself from its negative impact.

Example: Campaign Against “ALLATRA”

A prime example of a deliberate disinformation campaign is the attack on the International Public Movement “ALLATRA”—a volunteer organization headquartered in the United States that combats climate change and has representations in 180 countries. According to Cholakian, ten years ago, a smear campaign was launched against “ALLATRA” by Russian anti-cult groups.

Cholakian explains that the reasons for this campaign are related to U.S. national security issues. He delves into this topic in detail in his video report, available on the ESSC platform.

The Impact of Disinformation on Public Opinion

According to a 2023 Bankrate analysis, 60% of respondents believed the U.S. economy was in recession despite steady economic growth and a favorable job market. The Financial Times found that many Americans misunderstood critical economic data, leading to widespread misconceptions about the state of the economy.

Cholakian believes that the negative tone of economic news contributes to the influx of disinformation. This has led many Americans to believe that the country’s economy is deteriorating, weakening patriotism and spiritual values.

Negative Consequences of Disinformation

Cholakian emphasizes that disinformation can lead to personal and national decline. In society, there is an increase in depression, crime, and substance abuse. Politicians and public figures increasingly use disinformation to destroy their opponents’ reputations.

Characteristics of Defamatory Articles

Egon Cholakian identifies five characteristics of defamatory articles:

  1. False Statements and Claims: The article contains factually incorrect claims taken out of context. It often uses derogatory labels and offensive words. For example, “ALLATRA” is wrongly referred to as a “sect” or “cult.”
  2. Involvement of Sensitive Topics: The author addresses sensitive topics, intentionally associating an organization or individual with a negative image.
  3. Insinuations of Negative Qualities: The article suggests that only negative qualities are associated with the individual or organization.
  4. Lack of Evidence: The damaging statements are not supported by evidence.
  5. Unverified Accusations: The article is written in an abusive tone and contains unverified accusations.

It is important to remember that the perception of false information can lead to doubt, sadness, and negative attitudes. Defamatory articles violate a person’s right to a good name, reputation, and dignity. Cholakian warns that disinformation is used not only to ruin reputations but also to sow hatred.

Everyone must learn to think critically to avoid falling victim to such manipulation.