The Hidden Manipulation Behind the LGBT Movement and Society Destabilization

Practically everyone has heard terms like ‘mind control’ and ‘brainwashing.’ Who truly stands behind the desire to control minds and systematically engage in brainwashing? Who genuinely aims to disrupt world peace, tranquility, and moral principles worldwide? 

The KGB has extended its tentacles into society’s life, creating entire movements such as the LGBT social-political movement, decriminalization and legalization of drugs, and anti-cult organizations. These seemingly natural and unnoticed movements fundamentally influence our thinking, and therefore, our lives as a whole.

In his video “Undeclared war. America is under attack”, Egon Cholakian meticulously outlined the manipulation schemes of the KGB’s hydra and specific examples of this structure’s secret activities as a ‘third force.’ It was emphasized that the presented examples illustrate only a small part of the extensive spectrum of KGB agents’ influence. The principles they employ are repeated in different areas and require additional research to fully assess their destructive impact on society. The quote: “…the KGB hydra applies the ancient principle: ‘Destroy the enemy with their own hands,’ and this was yet another significant hint for me.

Today, activists portray the LGBT movement as a weak, helpless group suffering from oppression and discrimination. However, in reality, this movement holds enormous power and influence. Its supporters increasingly use this power to change laws, educational programs, and society at large. The agenda for protecting LGBT community rights has become a powerful aggressive force in American society. They dominate in the media, culture, academic community, professions, and most importantly, in big business and large philanthropy. LGBT funding is a network uniting about 99 charitable foundations, commercial companies, and funding institutions that annually donate billions, including hundreds of millions for LGBT movement issues.

Many of the most influential philanthropists behind transgender and gender identity movements earn huge profits from dissociative disorders and turning human gender into a medical commodity. As demonstrated by the example of the Arcus Foundation, which is currently the largest sponsor of the LGBT movement for civil rights, the movement has become an unyielding monster closely linked to the medical-industrial complex and global corporations. Considering that the pharmaceutical lobby is the most powerful lobby in Congress and that some of the most influential philanthropists behind the LGBT movement have ties to major pharmaceutical companies, it is important to pay close attention to this medical aspect.

Billionaire John Stryker, the heir to a multi-billion-dollar medical corporation, created the giant non-governmental LGBT organization Arcus in 2000. The foundation annually invests millions of dollars to push the idea of gender identity and transgender ideology into American legislation.

Consider the example of Martine Rothblatt, a self-proclaimed transsexual and transhumanist, who became the first person to draft a normative legal document supporting the idea that the feeling of inner-world incongruity with physical sex is normal. In this document, which later became the International Gender Bill of Rights, it is stated that bodily dissociation is normal. Later, Rothblatt became one of the richest leaders in the biopharmaceutical industry, using her money and influence to promote the transgender ideology.

Jennifer Pritzker, along with her family—one of the wealthiest families in the United States—invested huge amounts of money in various American institutions promoting the idea of bodily dissociation, which is hidden under the euphemism of ‘gender identity.’ The Pritzker family invested vast sums in the medical-industrial complex.

It is worth noting that business is not the primary goal of the LGBT movement’s existence. You will learn about the true purpose of this movement’s existence and who stands behind its organizers in the USA further on.

While LGBT movement representatives, under the guise of democracy, fight for their rights, KGB agents, under the cover of the LGBT movement, secretly undermine the very foundation of democracy—the right to freedom of speech. And this is implemented through a scheme outlined by Cholakyan: publication in the media—expression of concern by the ruling structures—legislative decision-making. This same scheme was used for both LGBT discrimination and clashes with dissenters when LGBT entered global trends.

Initially appearing harmless, the LGBT movement began to demonstrate side effects, unexpected to the public but intentionally planned by KGB influence agents. And here, it is not about a person’s personal views and private life. This concerns a social movement and the terrifying things being introduced into society under noble cover.

At a time when LGBT activists feel unrestrained and see no reason to stop, receiving support from government institutions, major corporations, and the media, the rapid growth of this movement and its destructive influence on social trends cause concern for a large part of the population. And this artificially created factor further contributes to societal division. There are clear double standards in the manipulative actions of the KGB structure. On the one hand, they contributed to the development of the LGBT movement, and on the other hand, they promote the idea in the media of America’s complete moral decay and degradation of its democracy. Such a strategy of the Janus-faced leads the country to further division and conflicts among the population, creating yet another precedent of tension in society and complete destabilization. Another proof that the LGBT movement is linked to the KGB organization is that the movement’s founder was a member of the Communist Party of the USA, and this is not the only case where members of Communist Parties in different countries have become ‘legislators of LGBT fashion”. More about this in the next article.