Role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the War in Ukraine

I will ask you three questions. Think about them and give your answer. Who truly started the war in Ukraine? Who actively prepared for it? And for what purposes? Some might say “Putin,” others might say “America, NATO,” and still others might blame the Ukrainian government. These answers could be valid if we only consider the politics of 2013-2014. However, without artificially created rivalry, hostility, and pre-existing hatred, without provocations and a clearly elaborated plan involving specific actors many years before, the correct answer to the question “who did it?” is: the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC). You heard that correctly, and I haven’t made a mistake. Not the FSB, not NATO, but the ROC.

I recently discovered this. Everything changed when I watched the video “Undeclared war. America is under attack” with Egon Cholakian. I highly recommend it to everyone. Based on the information it contains, I continued researching facts and decided to share them with you. Now, let’s get to the point.

I present to you an article on The European Times  The article discusses the FECRIS organization, which played a role in the Russian propaganda machine and ultimately contributed to the current war.

Quote: “Patriarch Kirill and Vladimir Putin could also rely on the ‘anti-cult’ movement, led in Russia by FECRIS Vice President Alexander Dvorkin, a Russian Orthodox theologian often presented by Russian authorities as an expert on ‘sects.’”

From the article, we learn that at the beginning of the new Ukrainian government, elected after Yanukovych’s resignation on April 30, 2014, Alexander Dvorkin gave an interview to the main Russian state radio “Voice of Russia” (renamed “Radio Sputnik” a few months later). When the “expert” was asked to comment on the “hidden religious agendas of the Maidan and the Ukrainian crisis,” Dvorkin engaged in what can only be described as pro-Russian propaganda.

He accused the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of involvement in Euromaidan, criticized the Vatican’s competence, and pointed fingers at Baptists for active participation and a significant role in the Maidan and the formation of nationalism. Hidden Scientologists, CIA control, and much more—these were the familiar themes that Alexander Dvorkin had been promoting and seeing in all undesirables during at least twenty years of his diligent activity in the fight against the “enemies” of the Russian Orthodox Church

I also want to highlight the episode titled “The Struggle of Donetsk and Lugansk Against the So-Called Cults” These so-called DNR and LNR regions, as stated, are “the only places in the world where the fight against ‘cults’ is a constitutional principle.” Based on this and other evidence of a fierce denial of religious freedom, the magazine Bitter-Winter concluded that “what happens in the pseudo-‘People’s Republic of Donetsk’ and the ‘People’s Republic of Lugansk’ is a clear manifestation of an anti-utopian Orthodox theocracy. Putin’s ideologists envision a ‘Russian World’ with constantly expanding borders”—a crucial point. Now, let’s move on to another article. 

“Attention to all: An article from 2023, published on the same website The European Times, titled Alexander Novopashin: We Are Fighting Against Cannibalistic Nazi Ideology!

    Alexander Novopashin is a member of the Russian Orthodox Church, known in Russia as a protopriest. Simultaneously, A. Novopashin is an official representative of FECRIS, the French anti-cult organization (previously mentioned alongside FECRIS Vice President Alexander Dvorkin). 

What do we read in the article: “…on December 30, A. Novopashin gave an interview to the newspaper ‘Origine del popolo russo’ (a Russian newspaper that promotes autocracy, orthodoxy, and Russian nationality). Responding to the journalist’s questions about the ‘Special Operation in Ukraine,’ he said:

‘I hope and believe that the Lord does not abandon us. We are doing a good thing: we are not fighting against Ukraine and Ukrainians, but against the cannibalistic Nazi ideology that has enslaved the minds of many people. Not only do I support this, but I am convinced that the battle for liberation was simply necessary. And perhaps, long overdue.’”

Russian presidential administration representative Sergei Kiriyenko, responsible for supporting Russia’s “special operation” in Ukraine and anti-cult activities, awarded A. Novopashin the Order of Friendship on behalf of Vladimir Putin.

There are still many unanswered questions about Sergei Kiriyenko. I found a YouTube video titled: “From Liberal to Master of the Donbas. The story of Sergei Kiriyenko, poised to become Putin’s successor” (in Russian).

So, the master of Donbas, and at the same time Putin’s administration representative, Sergei Kiriyenko, awards orders to members of the COR for their services to the government, such as inciting hostility and hatred in the territory of another country, dividing society using religious tools, which ultimately led to the escalation of the conflict with the use of weapons, turning into a continuous armed confrontation, that is, a war. These individuals and their entourage have provoked the start of a massive bloodshed and hatred in a foreign country, and have also influenced democratic Europe for many years, holding prominent positions in international organizations like FECRIS.

Where does the democratic world look? – one might wonder… But the fact is that many European supporters and enforcers of Dvorkin’s ideas, former members of FECRIS, today hold high positions in the governments of their countries, in the UN, or have direct relationships with them.

Orthodoxy has always been a powerful factor and has played an influential role in post-Soviet territories. It was precisely Orthodoxy that became an effective tool of manipulation, denunciation, and surveillance by the KGB during the USSR, starting in 1943 when Stalin allowed the activity of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), or rather formed it with a new composition, as the old clergy had been almost completely exterminated in camps or shot during the previous 35 years of Bolshevik power. Naturally, the new priesthood was created by KGB agents. Since the canonical Orthodox Church, which existed from the Baptism of Rus’ until the 1917 revolution, was destroyed – it can be concluded (based on dictionaries, Sect – from the Latin secta – doctrine, direction, school), a religious group, a community, which has separated from the dominant church) that the current ROC is a sect of the pre-revolutionary canonical Orthodox church.

The 1945 Council was organized and conducted by the Soviet political police, as declassified documents show in 2017. Delegates were chosen from among “people who enjoy high religious respect from the clergy and believers and who at the same time have proven their worth in intelligence or patriotic work,” reads one of the published documents. (direct quote: “…people who have religious authority among the clergy and believers and at the same time have been checked in agent or patriotic work. It is important to ensure that among the candidates the NKGB agents prevail, able to carry out the line we need at the council.” … “provide each newly opened church with proven agents from among the clergy or church activists”.)

In reality, the ROC is the only organization of such scale that managed to continue its work throughout the territory of the former USSR after its collapse. Perhaps for this reason, Patriarch Kirill, who served most of his life in the ROC during the USSR and being a KGB agent, probably does not perceive a political situation different from totalitarianism and dictatorship. For them, the entire “canonical territory” of the ROC has remained a single territory of controlled and managed Orthodoxy for all these years, and any attempt to change it, as we see, is perceived as extremely unacceptable.