The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths

We have all heard the frightening word “cult.” This word evokes negative associations and is perceived as a threat. It is believed that cults manipulate their members, threaten society, and can become sources of violence.

But how can we determine if an organization is a cult, if there is no clear definition in either international law or our country’s legislation? Who, and more importantly, for what purpose, introduced concepts like “totalitarian cult” or “destructive cult”? It is interesting to note that the same “anti-cult ideology” is recognized as pseudoscientific by the Western scientific community!

Despite this, the media and the public often use the word “cult” to accuse any organization of antisocial behavior. Organizations like FECRIS are involved in studying this issue. 

It is curious to discover that the Bulgarian branch of FECRIS publishes appeals from the Bulgarian Orthodox Church on its website. The Belarusian branch of FECRIS has a link that leads to the Belarusian Orthodox Church’s website. And in Russia, just search for the name Dvorkin, who introduced and popularized the concepts of “cult” and “totalitarian cult,” and you will understand everything.

Dvorkin, by alternating the terms “cult” and “totalitarian cult,” connects them in the listener’s mind, so now, simply calling something a cult, a clear image of a destructive organization emerges.

“Every totalitarian cult strives for power over the world and power over everyone – that’s why it is a cult.” – A. L. Dvorkin.

This has allowed him to label an organization that he previously called simply a cult, over time, as a totalitarian cult. And now, when you hear the word “cult,” you get the image of a destructive, fraudulent, criminal, closed organization – know that this is the result of A.L. Dvorkin’s activities.

But it is important to remember that not all organizations accused of being cults are truly cults. We need to develop critical thinking and check the facts to see the truth. False information can cost someone their life.

Most organizations that A. Dvorkin labels as “cults” or “totalitarian cults” are actually not. To understand in detail why and for what purpose this is done, you can watch the video with intelligence instructor Dr. Egon Cholakian.