Secret Puppeteers: Who Shapes Our Thinking and Imposes the Rules?

Have you ever wondered who controls our beliefs and perceptions? Who decides what we consider good or bad, who to love and who to hate? Invisible forces manipulate our attitudes, generating hostility within us. For example, the words “sect” and “cult” have become tools of intimidation and persecution against religious groups. People have started to condemn spiritual practices that previously did not provoke such reactions. Where did this disdain for other people’s beliefs come from?

In the civilized world, the terms of heads of state are generally limited. For example, in Switzerland, a new president is elected every year; in France, every 5 years; in America, the president governs for 4 years. However, journalists form a power that rules indefinitely. Therefore, the real danger arises when journalists, guided by the interests of external forces, influence public opinion, political processes, or even the outcome of elections, deliberately creating moods in the direction desired by their clients through distortion or half-truths.

Let’s consider an example involving a well-known American actor. In 2018, comedian Kevin Hart, at the insistence of the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, was forced to step down from hosting the Oscars, an event he had long aspired to and described as a major milestone in his life. Additionally, Netflix terminated his contract for a series of documentaries. He was reminded of jokes offensive to the LGBT community in his performances and on Twitter (now X). This happened even though the jokes were made about 10 years ago, and Hart had repeatedly apologized to everyone who might have been offended by his words.

It might seem like a trivial event, just one of many daily news stories in America. But in reality, it is a public example highlighted by prominent American media. It clearly demonstrates that if the opinion of even a successful and famous person contradicts the societal trend being imposed, they are deprived of many opportunities, subjected to public condemnation in the media, and restricted in their future activities. This way, ordinary citizens develop a subconscious belief that if even famous media personalities are punished for expressing their opinions and worldviews, the same fate will quickly befall any other member of society.

It is important to emphasize that the law applies even to publications from many years ago, indicating that a person has no right to make a mistake. In simple terms, the media creates in people a sense of helplessness and a conditioned reflex to survive in a society with artificially established rules. Consequently, democracy, in essence, turns into a totalitarian regime.

There are many similar examples today. Public figures try to avoid statements that might be interpreted as homophobic. Large masses of people are forced to remain silent about things they might disagree with, as equal members of society. This happens only because billion-dollar funds have promoted the adoption of laws that limit the freedom of speech of ordinary people.

The question arises: for whom do these media outlets work, publishing many such news stories and shaping a certain mindset among the masses? Why do we live in a society where everything is decided for people, creating a social trend beneficial to certain individuals?

Similar examples of using identical schemes to shape public opinion can be found in other countries as well. In 2021, British football and cricket leagues examined the social media accounts of their players and found inappropriate humor. Despite the fact that these posts were often made in adolescence, athletes were fined and suspended from matches. For example, “Middlesbrough” football club defender Marc Bola was accused of posting a homophobic joke on social media in 2012 when he was 14 years old. Cricketer Ollie Robinson was fined £3,200 for tweets made nine years earlier, was suspended from eight matches, and forced to participate in anti-discrimination programs.

AND WHO IS THE CLIENT? It is the one who ultimately benefits from this scheme. All informational campaigns aimed at exposing “false teachers” seem coordinated. All the materials look identical, as if printed from the same sheet. Who is behind this? Behind all this are organizations that seek to control our minds through secret agents of influence. I recommend watching a video by an author who exposes these secret schemes and shows the role of the media and pseudo-experts in this process. It is important to understand how to remain free and not become a pawn in someone else’s game, as this concerns each of us! A must-read.