How FECRIS Introduces Itself into the Management of Countries

Recently, I came across the book “Freedom of Religion or Belief, Anti-Sect Movements, and State Neutrality: A Case Study: FECRIS.” It is available for free and translated into several languages. After listening to the information provided by the respected Egon Cholakian in the video “Undeclared war. America is under attack” I decided to read this book more carefully, comparing it with the facts presented in the video.

So, we already know that freedom and democracy for each of us are hanging by a thread due to the destructive activities of anti-cultists, particularly FECRIS. For this reason, I delved deeper into studying how and when this organization was created, who is behind it, and who finances it. The most important thing that interested me was in which countries it has representations.

Why? Because knowing how FECRIS is represented in a particular country, you can independently find information related to its destructive activities and conduct a personal investigation to understand where their deprogramming methods lead. In my articles, I have already mentioned that deprogramming is a coercive method to make people renounce their beliefs and convictions. It should be noted that I found information from psychologists indicating that if a person’s beliefs and ideals are taken away, they turn into an absolute slave because the foundation of their values has been destroyed.

Precisely for this reason, everyone in the world must be aware of the activities of anti-cultists, know and understand their methods of influencing people’s consciousness (as Egon Cholakian has thoroughly explained). Knowing their operational schemes, first of all, we can find further evidence that this plague is expanding and is already engulfing not only organizations and individual politicians but also entire countries (examples being Russia and North Korea).

FECRIS was founded in Paris on June 30, 1994, at the instigation of the French anti-cult association UNADFI (National Union of Associations for the Defense of the Family and the Individual). Its first headquarters was at UNADFI’s address: 10 rue du Père Julien Dhuit, 75020 Paris. Later, the headquarters were moved to the same location as GEMPPI (Study Group on Worldviews for the Protection of the Individual) in Marseille, whose president is Mr. Didier Pachoud.

GEMPPI was founded in 1988. It claims to be a partner of CCMM – the Center Against Mental Manipulations, another member of FECRIS in France, and it enjoys the support of the General Council of the Département of the Bouches du Rhône and of Marseille. It is affiliated with FECRIS. FECRIS is mainly financed by the French state. The share of donations from individual members is very small compared to the public funding the organization receives. It can therefore be said that France is deeply involved in the functioning of FECRIS. In 2005, FECRIS obtained participatory status as an INGO (International Non-Governmental Organization) at the Council of Europe.

In 2009, FECRIS obtained consultative status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations (UN) and therefore has access to the UN in New York, Geneva, and Vienna. This anti-cult group has become a legitimized interlocutor for the media and public authorities.

It is also noteworthy that the list of movements affiliated with FECRIS is growing. Here is a list of countries where 34 FECRIS branches are present.

According to the European Federation for Freedom of Belief (FOB) as of June 1, 2021:

FECRIS Members:

N.S.S. – National Spiritual Security
G.S.K. – Gesellschaft gegen Sekten- und Kultgefahren

AVISO asbl – Aide aux Victimes des Sectes

C.R.N.R.M. – Center for Research of New Religious Movements

C.I.S.K.- Centre for Information on Sects and Cults
U.U.T. – Uskontojen Uhrien Tuki Ry (Support Group for the Victims of Religions

C.C.M.M. – Centre de documentation, d’éducation et d’action Contre les Manipulations Mentales
G.E.M.P.P.I. – Groupe d’étude des mouvements de pensée en vue de la prévention des individus
U.N.A.D.F.I. – Union nationale des Associations de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu victimes de sects

AGPF – Aktion für Geistige und Psychische Freiheit e.V.
Sektenberatung Bremen
Sekten-Info Nordrhein-Westfalen

CeSAP – Centro Studi Abusi Psicologici
FA.VI.S – Associazione Nazionale Familiari delle Vittime delle Sette

R.O.R.I.J.- Ruch obrony Rodziny i Jednostki

C.R.S. – Center of Religious Studies

C.A.S. – Center for Anthropological Studies

A.I.S. – Atención e Investigación de Socioadicciones

FRI – Föreningen Rädda Individen

A.S.D.F.I. – Association Suisse de Défense des Familles et de l’Individu
S.A.D.K. – Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft gegen destruktive Kult

F.P.P.S. – Family and Personality Protection Society

The Family Survival Trust (former FAIR)

 European Correspondents:

Associazione S.O.S. ANTIPLAGIO onlus


A.V.P.I.M. – Association des Victimes des Pratiques Illégales de la Médecine
S.A.S. – Studie- en Adviesgroep Sekten

C.N.R.M.S. – Center of New Religious Movements Studies

P.P.U. – Pancyprian Parents Union

A.F.S.I. – Alerte Faux Souvenirs Induits
Association Sentinelle
ATTENF – Attention Enfants
C.L.P.S. – Cercle Laïque pour la Prévention du Sectarisme

Artikel 4 – Initiative für Glaubensfreiheit e.V.
Dialog Zentrum Berlin

Association of Religious Studies Centers

L.C.C.T.S. – Latvian Committee for Combating the Totalitarian Sects

C.P.B.- Cult Prevention Bureau


Defendologija – Centre for Security, Sociological and Criminological Research

FRI-Norge – Foreningen Redd Individet

C.R.S.S. – Center of Religious Studies – Saratov
I.C.C.S. – Informational Consulting Center on Sectarianism

AIIAP – Asociación Iberoamericana para la Investigación del Abuso Psicológico
RedUNE – Prevención del Abuso de Debilitad y Derivas Sectarias
RIES – Red Iberoamericana de Estudio de las Sectas  (Successor of Fundación S.P.E.S., Argentina)

RAM – Riksorganisationen Aktiva mot Manipulering

Dneprpetrovsk City Center for the help to Victims of Destructive Cults “Dialogue”
Ukrainian National Center Of Religious Safety And Help To Victims Of Destructive Cults “Dialogue”
U.N.I.A. – Ukrainian Network “InterAction”

Dialog Centre UK
F.S.G. – Family Support Group
RETIRN – Re-Entry Therapy, Information & Referral Network

 Non-European Correspondents:

C.I.F.S. – Cult Information and Family Support Inc.

Forum Against Cults
I.C.V.C. – The Israeli Center for Victims of Cults

I.C.S.A. – International Cultic Studies Association (formerly A.F.F. – American Family Foundation)

Source: CAP LC

However, according to some observers of the anti-cult phenomenon, this growth is due to the fact that FECRIS is just a melting pot of associations with various, even contradictory, vested interests which see an opportunity to ally to fight against religious minorities. It is experiencing internal dissensions, which is understandable as it has lumped together competing traditional religions, such as the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Churches, and anti-religious movements, such as atheistic associations.

It is obvious that, given that the anti-cultists, in this example FECRIS, have representations in at least 34 countries worldwide, they have a real possibility of directly influencing the heads of various states, as well as the adoption of the most important laws concerning the rights, freedoms, and democracy of every individual. (For example, pay attention to what is happening now in Russia. I have cited several facts on this issue in my previous articles).

I believe that if each of us today does not understand that we are personally threatened with the loss of our rights and freedoms at any moment, the world is doomed to become a digital concentration camp. If, as a society, we do not mobilize now to defend our rights and freedoms, our democracy, a totalitarian regime awaits us in the near future.