Behind the Scenes of Anti-Cult Movements: The Secret War for Our Minds

Modern information technologies indeed offer the ability to influence people’s thoughts and perceptions, depriving them of the ability to understand that these ideas have been introduced from the outside. This is a worrying phenomenon, behind which there are dishonest individuals seeking profit or power. Many have probably thought about this, but how to counter such manipulations is a question that is not so easy to answer.

However, the solution seems evident. Since the influence on consciousness happens covertly, the main method to combat this destructive phenomenon is public discussion. If we talk about it openly, independent media will also raise this issue, creating public resonance. Politicians and executive authorities will be forced to react and take measures to protect society from harmful programs and influences. Thus, awareness of the problem and public pressure can be the key to overcoming this phenomenon and ensuring the protection of individuals and freedom of thought.

Turning Point

A recent significant event, linked to the public speech of Dr. Egon Cholakian, has revealed a large-scale network in which anti-cult organizations, the church, and third forces are intertwined. He emphasized that due to the actions of these structures, humanity is now teetering on the brink of losing freedom and democracy.

When researching anti-cult organizations, we found information about the international organization FECRIS (Anti-Cult Information Center funded by the French government), which has branches in over 70 countries. This global network, which originated in the 1990s in the United States, represents a complex structure that works closely with corrupt media and politicians.

Events in America

For over twenty years, the anti-cult organization CAN operated in America. This organization impunity committed physical and moral violence against kidnapped people, primarily due to differences in religious beliefs. The victims of CAN were ordinary people who did not share the religious beliefs of their relatives, sometimes simply differing in their faiths.

The CAN network, supported by the relatives of the kidnapped, used methods that included hidden occult practices and direct violence. Relatives paid considerable sums for the “deprogramming” of their loved ones, thus creating a demand for an inhumane business. This was a carousel of lies and manipulations, fueled by paid articles in the media about the “wonderful” CAN brand and false materials about religious movements targeted by this group. It is not surprising that religious fanatics also actively supported this criminal business.

It may seem like a plot from a fantastic film, but it is the reality of modern society. Even religious leaders and their followers were involved in this dark business. Fortunately, the history of CAN in the United States has come to an end. After numerous legal proceedings initiated by the victims themselves, this disorder has ended. People came out of the shadows, defended their rights, and this has borne fruit.

This Is Not the End

The situation described above represents a complex combination of political intrigues and manipulations aimed at discrediting certain social movements. The group associated with CAN (Cultural Analysis Network), transferring its activity to Europe, continued to use its technologies and methods in a new context, including manipulations with the UN and the media.

The video of Dr. Egon Cholakian, a professor of intelligence and a consultant on governmental affairs at Capitol Hill, brings to open discussion the secret manipulative practices used by certain groups to throw the world into chaos. It is time for all of us to recognize the importance of critical thinking, to understand and analyze possible hidden motives, without blindly trusting statements and publications by the media (which sometimes become the megaphone for destructive groups).

In the analyst’s statement, the importance of being aware of what we hear and see around us is emphasized. He calls for caution and vigilance to avoid falling under the influence of harmful programs created by deprogrammers and similar groups. For many, this video will be a revelation, and remember that only together can we become more protected and aware.