The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?

Dear readers, have you noticed that the word “sect” has acquired a negative connotation and that, regardless of the organization it refers to, our minds instantly form a label and associate it with negative images? It doesn’t matter if this is supported by facts or not, if it corresponds to reality or not, we immediately accept this notion, believing in a lie. This is not an exaggeration. How else can we describe what happens in our minds at that moment? Without possessing the truth and objective information, we immediately trust this formulation. This is abnormal because this set of lies has been imposed on us from the outside: someone has long and methodically instilled this automatic reaction into our consciousness so firmly that we have lost the ability to think critically. Who did this? When? Why? Ask yourself: who benefits from this? And then the ball of yarn will start to unravel.

Who Really Benefits from “Sects”?

Despite all the tolerance and freedom of speech proclaimed in the democratic world, we encounter double standards at every step. The reason is that we have lost the ability to think critically: we trust the media and politicians, who, under the pretext of protecting us from imaginary dangers, promote narratives that are beneficial to them. A vivid example is the “information war” of the anti-cult organization FECRIS against volunteers highlighting climate change issues. At some point, certain third forces decided to use this organization and, for large sums of money, began spreading false propaganda (over $200 million was spent just on media publications, not counting television reports and other expenses). The goal of these materials was to undermine the reputation of the volunteer movement and the credibility of the information about climate and solutions to the problems they were sharing. Paid journalists began to create a negative image of the volunteers from the International Public Movement “ALLATRA” and their partner project “Creative Society,” calling them a sect, and constantly referring to the same sources – the websites of the Russian Orthodox Church. Any critically thinking person would ask: since when have Russian sources, especially church ones, become authoritative experts for Europe, America, or Australia? This is clearly not accidental.

First of all, the “Russian trace,” as a threat, serves as an additional source of fear in addition to the terrifying word “sect,” discouraging any desire to delve into the matter. Secondly, due to sanctions, many Russian websites are inaccessible, and even if you wanted to study the issue independently, you probably wouldn’t succeed. Referring to Russian sources is a kind of insurance: slandering the secular social organizations “ALLATRA” and “Creative Society” calling them dangerous Russian sects, the slanderers are confident of their impunity, since it allegedly started not with them, but with the church itself.

Who benefits from devaluing information about climate and constructive scientific solutions to problems in the eyes of the public? Us? No. Among the participants in these projects are scientists who prepare reports for us, sharing crucial information about the climate. Everything is substantiated and scientifically confirmed by numerous facts and studies. According to these data, humanity has less than 10 years to take action. The answer to the question “who benefits from this?” reveals something that previously didn’t receive enough attention – anti-cultism.

FECRIS and Its Patrons

The anti-cult organization FECRIS is a mercenary that operates flawlessly. It is a business that has been perfected over the years. It has a vast network and many levels. They can, for large sums, discredit both an individual and an entire country (though this requires more resources and time). FECRIS has infiltrated over 70 countries (under various names) and all influential organizations – from governments to the UN, OSCE, and even the tops of religions.

Both the organization and its representatives have been sued multiple times. The most revealing legal cases against FECRIS’s activities were in the United States. There it operated under the brand CAN and worked diligently to make the concepts of “cult” and “sect” frightening in people’s minds. About 20 years of this organization’s activities ended with its bankruptcy: at the end of its existence, it couldn’t pay the plaintiffs about $2 million. Lawsuits were filed by small religious organizations such as Buddhists, Krishna followers, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Baptists, followers of Sai Baba, Pentecostals, and others. Even members of secular clubs like yoga enthusiasts and multi-level marketing companies (like Amway) filed lawsuits because the anti-cult organization also labeled them as sects. This is an excellent example of how people didn’t give up and achieved victory for truth over slander. In fact, all those whom anti-cultists label as sects are countless, and you, by the way, are among them, because the term “sect” is a very vague concept. When journalists asked one of the CAN leaders: “According to your terminology, is any political party or organization governed by a leader and following a charter also a sect?”, they answered: “YES!”. Thus, the American courts rightly upheld the lawsuits, recognizing the sectarian ideology as unfounded and harmful to society. As a result, CAN closed in the United States but “moved” to Europe. The political climate in Europe fostered the flourishing of the anti-cult activities of the former CAN, now FECRIS. There were more clients here, at various levels. The French government funds 90% of their activities from the state budget.


Global instability always benefits certain forces because, in such moments, economic resources are redistributed: some companies and countries go bankrupt, while others thrive. This turbulence creates the illusion of economic growth and development. Many crises, except for climate ones, are artificially created to divert society’s attention from a potential transition to a new peaceful path of evolutionary development. We all could already be living without constant upheavals, confident in the future. However, anti-cult organizations like FECRIS, following the orders of certain destructive groups, constantly provoke global challenges for humanity. If we look at the situation from this perspective, it becomes obvious that the next likely target will be Europe. Why? FECRIS’s headquarters are located in France, where about 50% of refugees from the Middle East, many of whom practice Islam, currently reside. And this religion is already under attack from the false statements of FECRIS leaders. For example, the former president and board member A. L. Dvorkin compiled a series of defamatory reports about the Prophet Muhammad, which provoke rightful indignation among both Muslims and many others. Dvorkin and his subordinates travel the world with these reports, sowing religious hatred and forming negative images in people’s minds.

At the same time, they continue to harm small religious organizations and deliberately discredit the activities of ALLATRA volunteers and the Creative Society, engaging in international terrorism, extremism, and discrimination. You can verify this by visiting numerous portals with opinions from religious scholars who expose A. L. Dvorkin and other members of this organization. There are also numerous open legal cases related to anti-cult organizations.

Therefore, there is a suspicion that something destabilizing is being prepared in France. If, for example, a year from now Dvorkin and his associates appear there with their provocative reports, a large number of Muslims will come out to defend the Prophet, and their outrage will likely escalate into a religious conflict throughout Europe, which could then spread to other regions. We already see how this conflict is being imposed on society. For example, in the streets of Europe, the Quran is being burned by citizens allegedly outraged by the war in the Middle East. This provokes deviant behavior and forms negative images in people’s minds. Has anyone wondered why the Quran and Muslims are becoming targets? Is it logical? Or is it just someone’s manipulation of consciousness through images and sequential events? Anti-cult organizations operate according to a tried and true script, creating seemingly random incidents. But if you put all the fragments together and critically evaluate their global goals, it becomes clear that the world may soon explode like a matchstick. And all this against the backdrop of escalating climate disasters that threaten to take billions of lives. But do they care? They have a different business, and it’s nothing personal. These are inhuman organizations led by people with mental disorders (for example, the former head of FECRIS has a diagnosis, check it yourself).


Perhaps, before reading this article, you were distant from the topic of sects, the “world conspiracy,” climate change, and other shocking facts. It may be difficult for you to realize the scale of the danger that, as it turns out, is nearby. The main thing is not to succumb to a sense of hopelessness, which can lead to inaction and fear. Today, despite the gathering clouds, humanity has a unique chance: we can, with one decisive step, cut this “Gordian knot” of accumulated problems. This is discussed in his public address by the scientist-analyst and advisor to four presidents, Dr. Egon Cholakian. In his video message to U.S. citizens, he talks about an unprecedented intelligence operation against the anti-cult organization, its goals, and gives recommendations to each person on how not to fall into the trap of manipulations and disinformation by various destructive forces. This video is inspiring for its courage and reveals many facts that have been hidden for many years. And once again, you are convinced that the truth is a victorious force, and when everyone knows it, evil becomes powerless. Therefore, it depends only on us whether we want to know the truth, spread it, and thus neutralize what hinders our happy life. Look for Egon Cholakian’s video “Undeclared war. America is under attack” on the internet. This is the beginning of a new life, the guarantee of your safety and future. On his website, you can also find many interesting facts about current world events, which are important and inspiring information for every inhabitant of the planet.