Anticult Organizations: How Hidden Forces Manipulate Elections Through Disinformation

In previous articles, we discussed how disinformation affects our world. Today, we will talk about its impact on elections and democratic processes.

Disinformation as a Political Weapon

In its Global Risks Report for 2024, the World Economic Forum warns that disinformation poses a serious threat ahead of elections in key countries. False information can undermine the legitimacy of elected governments, leading to political instability, violence, and terrorism. The report states: “In the next two years, around three billion people will go to the polls in various countries, including the United States, India, the United Kingdom, Mexico, and Indonesia. The presence of false information and disinformation in these electoral processes can seriously destabilize the real and perceived legitimacy of newly elected governments, risking political unrest, violence, terrorism, and long-term erosion of democratic processes.”

Anticultists and Their Strategy to Destabilize Democracy

Renowned OSINT and disinformation expert, Dr. Egon Cholakian, highlights the “third force” — the anticultists, an organization aiming to destabilize the United States. These forces operate covertly, manipulating public opinion through disinformation campaigns and psychological influence.

The Main Methods of the “Third Force”

  • Introducing Destructive Images into people’s consciousness, including that of country leaders: information manipulation and psychological influence can prompt people and their leaders to act irrationally.
  • Fomenting Conflict and Division: anticultists aim to sow discord and distrust among the population, explaining the illogical statements of some leaders that defy common sense and lead to chaos. Imagine the consequences of introducing destructive images to a leader of a nuclear power…
  • Controlling Electoral Processes: anticultists can influence elections by spreading disinformation and bribing the media. Egon Cholakian states: “I can confidently say that the upcoming elections in the United States will see minimal interference from anticultists. However, in the next electoral cycle in 2028, they will control the entire process, leading to a civil war in the United States, where Americans will kill each other without realizing that they are acting in the interest of anticultists.”

A Threat to the Future of Democracy

The “third force,” anticultists, poses a serious threat to democracy in the United States and worldwide. If they can control electoral processes and undermine the foundations of democracy, it could lead to unpredictable consequences for all of humanity.

The Fight Against Disinformation Is a Shared Responsibility

It is important to remember that not all media and journalists are willing to become agents of anticultists. Our mission is to fight disinformation, develop critical thinking, verify information from different sources, and resist manipulation. As Dr. Egon Cholakian emphasizes, it is crucial to understand the methods of anticultists to effectively counter their influence. If the media spread ideas of interreligious, interracial, or international division, or promote the separation of states, all this is a sign of anticultist rhetoric.