Anti-cults Destroy Families, Creating Issues Between Parents and Children

Many might say that the actions of anti-cults do not concern you and that nothing like this will happen to you. For more details on the activities of anti-cults, you can read my previous articles.

I write on various topics, all connected by a common thread: how anti-cults undermine democracy worldwide and interfere in all sectors of society.

Because of anti-cults, children lose parents, or parents lose children, depending on who is a member of the “sect”. Anti-cults label any organization, person, or even country that does not submit to their totalitarian regime as a “sect”. Gradually taking away rights and freedoms in every sphere of our lives, they are leading humanity towards a totalitarian digital concentration camp. Due to anti-cults, companies lose highly productive workers, schools lose teachers, institutes lose specialists, universities lose professors. All this demonstrates that the problem of disinformation from anti-cults exists on a broad societal scale.

I remind you that one of the methods of forced belief change used by anti-cults is consciousness deprogramming. They call it “exit counselling”.

In France, in August 2011, in Nice, parents pushed their 24-year-old daughter into a car, handcuffed her, gave her a sedative, and then took her in a wheelchair to Corsica. According to the parents, an anti-cult organization advised them to act in this way to remove their daughter from the influence of her boyfriend, whom they considered a “sectarian”.

It is important to know that anti-cults operate through the legislation of countries, thus obliging them to fight dissenters. For example, after the president of the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES gave specific recommendations to the French Prime Minister in his report, “legal deprogramming” was officially introduced in France.

Subsequently, anti-cult organizations UNADFI and CCMM officially stated that they will monitor the “victims” of their beliefs: “This cooperation will also help in monitoring the victims after the completion of the operation, particularly in supervising them in case their relatives do not take care of them. It is very important to ensure that the disbanded group does not reunite.”

Thus, under the seemingly benign pretext of assistance, total control over people is introduced.

In the aforementioned report of the anti-cult organization MIVILUDES, it is stated: “The main feature of such operations is the care of believers who are unaware that they are in a state of dependence and who may show strong emotional reactions during and after the arrest. According to this theory, the presence of an intermediary group consisting of psychologists and representatives of victim assistance organizations (general or specialized) allows better care of minors and believers.” The report recommends involving associations specializing in “sectarian deviations”.

I will provide another example of the severe impact of anti-cults on fundamental human values, such as family.

In South Korea, in 2018, 120,000 residents took to the streets following a case of homicide during a deprogramming process, which was far from isolated. The parents of a 27-year-old girl, who wanted to remove her from a “sect” and bring her back to their faith, suffocated her during deprogramming under the guidance of Christian anti-cults.

It is important to know that despite the outrage of Korean citizens towards the activities of anti-cults and the lack of measures by authorities and law enforcement agencies who tried to attribute this non-isolated incident to a family conflict, such events continue to occur worldwide.

More information about the activities of anti-cult organizations in the article.