The Grip of Churches

Freedom in the world is limited. Religious minorities that practice yoga, multi-level marketing, or alternative medicine are considered sectarian. It is hard to believe, but respected and well-known business corporations like “Amway,” “Avon,” and “Oriflame,” various public organizations such as the “Institute of Religion and Law,” “House of Health,” and even traditional religions like Hinduism and Islam, are included in the list of sects.

In Russia, Jehovah’s Witnesses and their communities have faced persecution and discrimination, including humiliation, torture, repression, searches, criminal prosecution, and imprisonment. All their attempts to defend their rights have failed. Their organization has not only been banned but also declared extremist.

Additionally, in Russia, there have been attempts to declare the “Bhagavad Gita,” the sacred book of Hinduism, as extremist literature, causing a worldwide scandal. The Indian Foreign Minister criticized this process, while Russian diplomats expressed regret.

Upon further investigation, I discovered that the situation in Europe and America is no better. Steven Hassan, a mental health consultant specializing in the area of sects and new religious movements, actively fights against various movements of Hinduism. However, his book “The Cult of Trump,” where he calls the politician a cult leader and his supporters cultists, shows that the interests of anti-cult organizations go beyond religion and include political manipulation.

A deeper analysis revealed a surprising fact: in almost all cases, behind the dissemination of misinformation and slander against groups of people and incitement of interethnic and interreligious conflicts, stood Alexander Dvorkin, who had been recruited by the KGB in his youth. This man turned out to be one of the key figures in a cunning KGB plan aimed not only at discrediting organizations but also at changing public opinion, preparing the ground for the destruction of democratic states. During the investigation, it was found that Mr. A. Dvorkin, under the guise of actively fighting against sects and unacceptable organizations, executing a KGB assignment, created a network of agent-journalists ready to spread misinformation and slander. The intermediate goals were clear: eliminate inconvenient political figures, discredit unacceptable movements, create the necessary legislative base, and create a public mood preparing the ground for civil war in countries subsequently targeted by the KGB. But in reality, this was only the initial stage on the way to a more global goal: the destruction of the European Union and the United States of America. And judging by how many countries and journalists he managed to involve, revenge was close…

For more details, watch Egon Cholakian’s video with the report on the work done.