Schemes of Anti-Cult Organizations

Understanding the schemes of anti-cult organizations and grasping the severity of this problem was made possible for me by an intelligence specialist. I watched a video report by an American intelligence instructor, which he presented to the public on the ESSC platform: “Undeclared war. America is under attack” Egon Cholakian spoke on behalf of the intelligence community. Information about him can be found on the ESSC platform.

Here is what became clear to me:

The goal of anti-cult organizations is the establishment of a totalitarian regime and the restriction of human rights and freedoms worldwide. The participants in these organizations are deceitful and corrupt individuals, devoid of notions of conscience and honor, ready to commit any wrongdoing for money. Many of them are mentally unstable. Essentially, they are animals with high self-esteem and a sick imagination.

After a thorough analysis by the esteemed Egon Cholakian, I realized that these anti-cult organizations use the labels “cult” and “extremist” to tag any person or organization when they want to exert their “unlimited power” and control those who hinder their implementation of a totalitarian regime and digital concentration camp worldwide.

In this article, I will discuss how the anti-cultist Dvorkin was involved in the takeover of an entire factory in Russia. Note that we are talking about a commercial organization here. One might wonder, what does a “cult” have to do with this? But upon closer examination of the facts, it becomes clear that the methods and schemes of anti-cult organizations include: using corrupt journalists, connections with authorities, placing controlled pawns in key positions, and integrating into dominant religions.

Here is a characteristic example of Dvorkin’s work to eliminate business competitors. Sergey Basovets, the former owner of the Yaroslavl factory “Red Lighthouse,” appointed his brother Oleg Basovets and colleague Konstantin Sonin as the factory managers in 2003. Konstantin Sonin decided to take over the factory to avoid sharing profits with CJSC “Vibropromtech” (through which Sergey Basovets owned the factory). He orchestrated a fraudulent scheme by falsifying the minutes of the CJSC “Vibropromtech” shareholders’ meeting, resulting in Sonin becoming the general director of the factory. This initiated an endless series of legal battles between Basovets and Sonin.

To pressure Basovets, Sonin sought help from anti-cultists. The pretext used was the book “Artistic Introduction to Biopsychology,” written by Basovets in 2000. At the initiative of the anti-cultist Evgeny Mukhtarov, a member of RACIRS and Dvorkin’s representative in Yaroslavl, the regional Department of Internal Affairs requested an expert examination of the book to identify signs of extremism and cultism. (Remember, at the beginning of the article, I mentioned these labels they use to start persecuting people and organizations). Naturally, such an examination was ordered from Dvorkin, a person who can find occultism and calls for extremism even in a lonely standing pole in a field.

The results of this examination were published in the press. Incidentally, anti-cult organizations recruit corrupt journalists into their ranks to start persecuting unwanted individuals anywhere in the world at any moment and establish their controlled people and totalitarian regime in that area.

Returning to the examination: naturally, the examination confirmed that Basovets was a cultist of an occult-mystical sect. This should be laughable, but it is not, and what does Basovets’ share in CJSC “Vibropromtech,” the production of industrial transformers, and his personal philosophical views, which Dvorkin labeled as sectarian and occult-mystical, have to do with each other?

Here, I will stop and draw several conclusions that suggest themselves. Despite international scandals and legal disputes involving various organizations (including Falun Gong, Scientology, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc.), anti-cultists continue their active operations, receiving support from governments and traditional religions in many countries. This phenomenon represents a new form of inquisition, where the battle is fought not only over matters of faith but also over climate, politics, science, healthcare, and more.

If people do not defend their rights and freedoms, democracy and free life may be forgotten, and a totalitarian regime will become our reality.

Why I wrote this article: when the public sees the truth about these anti-cult organizations, the beliefs they have imposed will disappear from people’s minds. People will be able to hear the TRUTH, create a free, civil, and democratic society. In such conditions, it will be easy to solve climate problems and then build a society of free and happy people.

More information about the activities of anti-cult organizations can be found here.