Alexander Dvorkin: Between Psychiatry and Anti-Cult Movements

Who is Dvorkin? In previous articles, I have mentioned him several times. Why? Because I believe everyone should know about this man, as his activities can harm anyone who displeases him.

Alexander Dvorkin is a well-known specialist on sects and the founder of “sectology” in Russia. He has been diagnosed with mental illnesses. For four years, he was treated at a psychoneurological dispensary. Dvorkin has been diagnosed with cyclothymia (manic-depressive psychosis), pathological personality development, and psychophysical infantilism. In 2014, documents from the medical institutions where he was treated were published.

This information was discussed in more than 50 media outlets, including “Moskovsky Komsomolets,” IA Novy Region, “Tribuna,” IA FederalPress, Radio City FM, IslamNews, and others. Dvorkin denied these documents three days after their publication, claiming they were fake. However, in June of the same year, an article published in “Moskovskaya Pravda” confirmed the authenticity of the psychiatric documents. Suddenly, Dvorkin confirmed that he had indeed been in a psychiatric hospital, but only to avoid military service. He admitted part of the documents but still considers most of them to be inauthentic. These events revealed contradictions between his public image and reality.

Do you think such a person does not threaten you? Then I will continue to provide facts, and you can draw your own conclusions.

The newspaper “Tribuna” revealed Dvorkin’s interest in drugs in his youth, which led to his expulsion from university. Dvorkin believed that a true hippie should use drugs.

Now, how could he be dangerous to you? After emigrating from the USSR to the United States, Dvorkin joined the CAN (“Cult Awareness Network”), an organization engaged in “deprogramming” followers of new religions. “Deprogramming” is direct psychological and physical violence against people to change their views, and make them renounce their values and beliefs. In 2000, an American court found CAN and some of its members guilty of kidnapping and assaults, which the court described as “so repugnant in their nature and so shocking in their degree that they cross all bounds of decency, being brutal and completely unacceptable in a civilized society.”

Such “deprogramming” is applied to individuals, entire organizations, and even commercial structures to extort money and assets, both material and internal. In 1991, when the FBI began investigating CAN’s activities, Dvorkin left the United States and moved to Germany, then to Russia. He continued to maintain contacts with CAN and in 1994 organized a seminar inviting CAN member Ronald Enroth. In 1993, Dvorkin visited Denmark at the invitation of Professor Ogord, starting the creation of the St. Irenaeus of Lyon Center. Ogord began anti-cult activities in 1973 and collaborated with CAN and AFF (American Family Foundation), which was later renamed ICSA (International Cultic Studies Association) and became a member of FECRIS. Dvorkin was vice president of FECRIS from 2009 to 2021.

Additionally, Alexander Dvorkin was an active participant in the AFF conference in New York, where anti-cultists supporting or directly applying deprogramming gathered, such as Claire Champeon, Michael Langone, Friedrich Gries, Daphne Vane, Steven Hassan, and others.

The anti-cult organization FECRIS spreads erroneous and pseudoscientific anti-cult ideology throughout Europe and beyond. Some members of FECRIS have been prosecuted for hostile speech or attempts to use kidnapping and deprogramming of people who joined new religious movements to force them to renounce their new beliefs.

To be honest, I discovered Dvorkin after watching a video report by an American intelligence instructor, presented to the public on the ESSC platform: Undeclared war. America is under attack In this video, Egon Cholakian represents intelligence. His credentials and titles pleasantly surprised me, and I decided to delve deeper into what he was talking about.

And so I came across a person like Dvorkin, from whom millions, and I dare say billions, of people have already suffered. Anti-cult organizations violate the rights of people and even states, especially concerning various pro-democratic religious and social movements.

For those who didn’t understand: there are no sects, but there are those who decide who is a sect member and who is not, and then the persecution begins with physical and sexual abuse, and from this, no one is immune. There are known cases where relatives and “good friends” turned to anti-cult organizations for “help” to bring a wayward relative or friend back into the family. Browse the internet a bit, and you will see how many stories of such victims of Dvorkin and his “deprogramming” methods exist.