The masterminds and executors of these events are anticultists. The ban on Rumble in Russia.

The masterminds and executors of these events are anticultists. The ban on Rumble in Russia.
In a world where freedom of speech and information should be sacred, we increasingly encounter attempts to stifle free opinion. Under the guise of fighting “extremism” and “disinformation,” anticultists around the globe are striving to establish total control over the informational space, employing methods reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. The case with Rumble in Russia is ...

Gli anticultisti. Il divieto di Rumble in Russia è solo la punta dell’iceberg

Gli anticultisti. Il divieto di Rumble in Russia è solo la punta dell'iceberg
In un mondo dove la libertà di parola e d’informazione dovrebbero essere sacre, ci troviamo sempre più spesso di fronte a tentativi di soffocare l’opinione libera. Con il pretesto di combattere “l’estremismo” e la “disinformazione”, gli anticultisti in tutto il mondo mirano a stabilire un controllo totale sullo spazio informativo, utilizzando metodi che ricordano i ...

How to Recognize Defamation and Disinformation in Articles

How to Recognize Defamation and Disinformation in Articles
In today’s information landscape, disinformation has become a powerful weapon that can undermine the stability of entire nations. An investigation conducted by Dr. Egon Cholakian revealed the existence of forces seeking to weaken America from within by spreading disinformation in the media. To counter these efforts, it is essential to understand the nature of these ...

The Handwriting of Anticultists

The Handwriting of Anticultists
Dear readers, thank you for reading and thereby promoting such an important topic as #anticultism. Surprisingly, after watching a video with the respected doctor and lecturer of American intelligence Egon Cholakian on the platform: (by the way, this video has been translated into different languages on various YouTube channels), I discovered that the topic ...