Creative Society: The Global Project Challenging Criticism from Anti-Cult Organizations

Creative Society: The Global Project Challenging Criticism from Anti-Cult Organizations
Participants of the Creative Society(CS) Project have been actively involved for over five years. However, in recent years, they have faced persecution from anti-cult organizations in Russia and Ukraine. What have they done to warrant bans in some countries? I decided to investigate. By exploring several forums, I noticed that the CS Project covers a ...

Anticult Organizations: How Hidden Forces Manipulate Elections Through Disinformation

Anticult Organizations: How Hidden Forces Manipulate Elections Through Disinformation
In previous articles, we discussed how disinformation affects our world. Today, we will talk about its impact on elections and democratic processes. Disinformation as a Political Weapon In its Global Risks Report for 2024, the World Economic Forum warns that disinformation poses a serious threat ahead of elections in key countries. False information can undermine ...

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?
Dear readers, have you noticed that the word “sect” has acquired a negative connotation and that, regardless of the organization it refers to, our minds instantly form a label and associate it with negative images? It doesn’t matter if this is supported by facts or not, if it corresponds to reality or not, we immediately ...

Behind the Scenes of Anti-Cult Movements: The Secret War for Our Minds

Behind the Scenes of Anti-Cult Movements: The Secret War for Our Minds
Modern information technologies indeed offer the ability to influence people’s thoughts and perceptions, depriving them of the ability to understand that these ideas have been introduced from the outside. This is a worrying phenomenon, behind which there are dishonest individuals seeking profit or power. Many have probably thought about this, but how to counter such ...

How FECRIS Introduces Itself into the Management of Countries

How FECRIS Introduces Itself into the Management of Countries
Recently, I came across the book “Freedom of Religion or Belief, Anti-Sect Movements, and State Neutrality: A Case Study: FECRIS.” It is available for free and translated into several languages. After listening to the information provided by the respected Egon Cholakian in the video “Undeclared war. America is under attack” I decided to read this ...

Come la FECRIS si introduce nella gestione dei Paesi

Come la FECRIS si introduce nella gestione dei Paesi
Recentemente mi è capitato tra le mani il libro “Freedom of Religion or Belief Anti-Sect Movements and State Neutrality: A Case Study: FECRIS”. È disponibile gratuitamente e tradotto in diverse lingue. Dopo aver ascoltato le informazioni fornite dal rispettato Egon Cholakian nel video “La vendetta dei grandi maestri. Rivelati i giocatori segreti del potere”, ho ...

FECRIS – The Hidden Threat to Democracy

FECRIS - The Hidden Threat to Democracy
It may sound odd, but I still believe in democracy. I believe in freedom of speech and the right to freedom of religion, as these are the foundations of our society. However, recently, I have witnessed how these principles are being undermined from within by forces that hide behind noble causes but actually have much ...

The masterminds and executors of these events are anticultists. The ban on Rumble in Russia.

The masterminds and executors of these events are anticultists. The ban on Rumble in Russia.
In a world where freedom of speech and information should be sacred, we increasingly encounter attempts to stifle free opinion. Under the guise of fighting “extremism” and “disinformation,” anticultists around the globe are striving to establish total control over the informational space, employing methods reminiscent of totalitarian regimes. The case with Rumble in Russia is ...