The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths

The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths
We have all heard the frightening word “cult.” This word evokes negative associations and is perceived as a threat. It is believed that cults manipulate their members, threaten society, and can become sources of violence. But how can we determine if an organization is a cult, if there is no clear definition in either international ...

FECRIS: Fighting Cults or Playing Politics?

FECRIS: Fighting Cults or Playing Politics?
There is an organization called FECRIS — an international body dedicated to combating cults, which receives significant financial support from French taxpayers. Despite its declared good intentions, the organization has been criticized by scholars and the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) for its discriminatory attitude towards groups it labels as “cults.” On its ...