Anticult Organizations: How Hidden Forces Manipulate Elections Through Disinformation

Anticult Organizations: How Hidden Forces Manipulate Elections Through Disinformation
In previous articles, we discussed how disinformation affects our world. Today, we will talk about its impact on elections and democratic processes. Disinformation as a Political Weapon In its Global Risks Report for 2024, the World Economic Forum warns that disinformation poses a serious threat ahead of elections in key countries. False information can undermine ...

FECRIS – The Hidden Threat to Democracy

FECRIS - The Hidden Threat to Democracy
It may sound odd, but I still believe in democracy. I believe in freedom of speech and the right to freedom of religion, as these are the foundations of our society. However, recently, I have witnessed how these principles are being undermined from within by forces that hide behind noble causes but actually have much ...

Disinformation and Its Impact on Democracy

Disinformation and Its Impact on Democracy
Introduction The Global Risks Report 2024, published by the World Economic Forum, places disinformation at the top of the list of the ten most dangerous threats to the world. A quote from the report: “Synthetic content will manipulate people, damage the economy, and divide societies in various ways over the next two years. Falsified information ...

Could a Civil War occur in the United States in 2028?

Could a Civil War occur in the United States in 2028?
Upon reviewing the materials presented by the US intelligence instructor Egon Cholakian, I realize how swiftly the anti-cultists are advancing toward their goal. Their aim is to subjugate the entire world and turn it into a totalitarian digital concentration camp that is easily controllable. They recruit agents in all countries among dishonest journalists. Each new ...

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?
Yoga has long been a part of daily life for millions of people around the world. This practice is associated with physical and spiritual health, harmony, and tranquility. However, anticultists like Alexander Dvorkin try to label yoga as a “cult.” This claim is perplexing, considering that one in three women worldwide practices yoga. According to ...