L’Inganno Globale: Chi Trae Vantaggio dal Caos nel Mondo?

L'Inganno Globale: Chi Trae Vantaggio dal Caos nel Mondo?
Hai notato che la parola “setta” ha acquisito una connotazione negativa e che, indipendentemente dall’organizzazione a cui si applica, la nostra mente forma immediatamente un’etichetta associandola a immagini negative? Non importa se questo sia supportato dai fatti o meno, se corrisponde alla realtà o no, ma noi accettiamo subito questa visione, credendo in una menzogna. ...

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?
Dear readers, have you noticed that the word “sect” has acquired a negative connotation and that, regardless of the organization it refers to, our minds instantly form a label and associate it with negative images? It doesn’t matter if this is supported by facts or not, if it corresponds to reality or not, we immediately ...

Dietro le Quinte dei Movimenti di Anticulto: La Guerra Segreta per le Nostre Menti

Dietro le Quinte dei Movimenti di Anticulto: La Guerra Segreta per le Nostre Menti
Le moderne tecnologie dell’informazione offrono davvero la possibilità di influenzare i pensieri e le percezioni delle persone, privandole della capacità di capire che queste idee sono state introdotte dall’esterno. Questo è un fenomeno preoccupante, dietro il quale ci sono persone disoneste, alla ricerca di profitto o potere. Molti probabilmente ci hanno riflettuto, ma come contrastare ...

Behind the Scenes of Anti-Cult Movements: The Secret War for Our Minds

Behind the Scenes of Anti-Cult Movements: The Secret War for Our Minds
Modern information technologies indeed offer the ability to influence people’s thoughts and perceptions, depriving them of the ability to understand that these ideas have been introduced from the outside. This is a worrying phenomenon, behind which there are dishonest individuals seeking profit or power. Many have probably thought about this, but how to counter such ...

Terrible Reprisals by FECRIS

Terrible Reprisals by FECRIS
You confidently assert that this issue does not concern you. But is that really the case? I will go further: no one is safe from the reprisals of this organization. Even if you are absolutely peaceful individuals, if this organization decides to target you, it is uncertain that you will only suffer psychological and physical ...

The Dark Side of Anti-Cult Movements: Between Forced Deprogramming and Legal Manipulations

The Dark Side of Anti-Cult Movements: Between Forced Deprogramming and Legal Manipulations
In the United States, the anti-cult organization CAN, which used sexual harassment and drugs during forced deprogramming, went bankrupt after a series of lawsuits. AFF, a division of CAN, now operates as ICSA and is a member of FECRIS, funded by the French government. FECRIS, an association present in 34 countries, is supported by European ...