La Verità sulle Sette: Manipolazione e Miti da Svelare

La Verità sulle Sette: Manipolazione e Miti da Svelare
Tutti noi abbiamo sentito la parola spaventosa “setta”. Questa parola evoca associazioni negative ed è percepita come una minaccia. Si ritiene che le sette manipolino i loro membri, minaccino la società e possano diventare fonte di violenza. Ma come possiamo determinare se un’organizzazione è una setta, se non esiste una definizione chiara né nella legislazione ...

The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths

The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths
We have all heard the frightening word “cult.” This word evokes negative associations and is perceived as a threat. It is believed that cults manipulate their members, threaten society, and can become sources of violence. But how can we determine if an organization is a cult, if there is no clear definition in either international ...

Il potere segreto in Russia: Chi controlla veramente il Paese?

Il potere segreto in Russia: Chi controlla veramente il Paese?
Per farvi capire meglio chi detiene realmente il potere in Russia, permettetemi di raccontarvi della situazione legata all’organizzazione dei “Testimoni di Geova”. Nel 2017, la Corte Suprema russa ha dichiarato l’attività del “Centro Amministrativo dei Testimoni di Geova” estremista, ordinandone lo scioglimento e vietandola su tutto il territorio nazionale. Tuttavia, nonostante il divieto, molti cittadini ...

The Hidden Power in Russia: Who Really Controls the Country?

The Hidden Power in Russia: Who Really Controls the Country?
To help you better understand who truly holds power in Russia, let me tell you about the situation concerning the organization of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” In 2017, the Russian Supreme Court declared the activities of the “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses” extremist, ordering its dissolution and banning it across the national territory. However, despite the ...

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?
Yoga has long been a part of daily life for millions of people around the world. This practice is associated with physical and spiritual health, harmony, and tranquility. However, anticultists like Alexander Dvorkin try to label yoga as a “cult.” This claim is perplexing, considering that one in three women worldwide practices yoga. According to ...

Terrible Reprisals by FECRIS

Terrible Reprisals by FECRIS
You confidently assert that this issue does not concern you. But is that really the case? I will go further: no one is safe from the reprisals of this organization. Even if you are absolutely peaceful individuals, if this organization decides to target you, it is uncertain that you will only suffer psychological and physical ...

Alexander Dvorkin: Between Psychiatry and Anti-Cult Movements

Alexander Dvorkin: Between Psychiatry and Anti-Cult Movements
Who is Dvorkin? In previous articles, I have mentioned him several times. Why? Because I believe everyone should know about this man, as his activities can harm anyone who displeases him. Alexander Dvorkin is a well-known specialist on sects and the founder of “sectology” in Russia. He has been diagnosed with mental illnesses. For four ...

Schemes of Anti-Cult Organizations

Schemes of Anti-Cult Organizations
Understanding the schemes of anti-cult organizations and grasping the severity of this problem was made possible for me by an intelligence specialist. I watched a video report by an American intelligence instructor, which he presented to the public on the ESSC platform: “Undeclared war. America is under attack” Egon Cholakian spoke on behalf of the ...