The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change

The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change
Dear readers, it is with growing concern that we report the scandalous activities emerging in the Slovak Republic. Anti-cult organizations, under the guise of “social protection,” are spreading a network of abuse and discrimination targeting innocent groups such as yoga practitioners, innovative businesses, and religious minorities. The question that naturally arises is: why? An Invisible ...

How did the Nazis force the Germans to destroy the Jews?

How did the Nazis force the Germans to destroy the Jews?
Have you ever heard of the sociological concept of the “Roman Formula”? This formula describes how religious or political extremists attack groups of people. The OSCE adopted this formula at a documentary level, adapting it to the processes occurring at the time. Today, it applies to religious and ethnic groups. The formula consists of three ...

Who Silences European Politicians?

Who Silences European Politicians?
Who prevents European politicians from speaking freely, especially regarding freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, which are guaranteed by Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? The answer to this question is presented in the book “Anti-Cult Movements and State Neutrality. Object of Study: FECRIS,” written by distinguished scholars and jurists from five ...