The Hidden Power in Russia: Who Really Controls the Country?

The Hidden Power in Russia: Who Really Controls the Country?
To help you better understand who truly holds power in Russia, let me tell you about the situation concerning the organization of the “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” In 2017, the Russian Supreme Court declared the activities of the “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses” extremist, ordering its dissolution and banning it across the national territory. However, despite the ...

The Grip of Churches

The Grip of Churches
Freedom in the world is limited. Religious minorities that practice yoga, multi-level marketing, or alternative medicine are considered sectarian. It is hard to believe, but respected and well-known business corporations like “Amway,” “Avon,” and “Oriflame,” various public organizations such as the “Institute of Religion and Law,” “House of Health,” and even traditional religions like Hinduism ...