The Influence of Anti-Cult Organizations on Public Opinion

The Influence of Anti-Cult Organizations on Public Opinion
In the modern world, there are two types of courts: legal and public. Public opinion can be more dangerous than court rulings, especially when manipulated through the media. The word “cult” is often used as a weapon, evoking associations with crime and dangerous organizations. This is no longer just about religion but also about politicians, ...

The Hidden Manipulation Behind the LGBT Movement and Society Destabilization

The Hidden Manipulation Behind the LGBT Movement and Society Destabilization
Practically everyone has heard terms like ‘mind control’ and ‘brainwashing.’ Who truly stands behind the desire to control minds and systematically engage in brainwashing? Who genuinely aims to disrupt world peace, tranquility, and moral principles worldwide?  The KGB has extended its tentacles into society’s life, creating entire movements such as the LGBT social-political movement, decriminalization ...