Nylon neck strap Lanyards for Phone

Nylon neck strap Lanyards for Phone
My employer, a medical startup, gave me the duty of designing, printing, and purchasing lanyards for the company’s inaugural medical conference. Since I’ve only worked here a short while, I wanted to make a good impression on my employer and make sure we had some fantastic looking swag. Our design team created a wonderful layout ...

Reasons why nylon lanyards are better than other types of lanyards

Reasons why nylon lanyards are better than other types of lanyards
A lanyard is a convenient accessory for carrying identification documents and door keys. When it comes to low-cost, high-impact marketing, printed nylon lanyards can’t be beaten. This article discusses the merits of nylon lanyard design, how to go about placing an order, the best ways to put them to use for students and faculty, and ...

Shopping Guide for Lanyards and Badge Holders for Teachers

Teachers these days participate in a whole range of activities not just in their school but also in the local community. There are science fares and exhibitions, sports events, inter-school activities, outdoor trips and so forth. Thanks to heightened security everywhere, all staff need to prominently display their identity badge. Schools, institutions and colleges need ...