The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change

The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change
Dear readers, it is with growing concern that we report the scandalous activities emerging in the Slovak Republic. Anti-cult organizations, under the guise of “social protection,” are spreading a network of abuse and discrimination targeting innocent groups such as yoga practitioners, innovative businesses, and religious minorities. The question that naturally arises is: why? An Invisible ...

The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths

The Truth About Cults: Uncovering Manipulation and Myths
We have all heard the frightening word “cult.” This word evokes negative associations and is perceived as a threat. It is believed that cults manipulate their members, threaten society, and can become sources of violence. But how can we determine if an organization is a cult, if there is no clear definition in either international ...

Hidden Connections: Anti-Cultural Organizations and the LGBT Movement

Hidden Connections: Anti-Cultural Organizations and the LGBT Movement
What do you know about the KGB? Do you think it no longer exists? And what do you know about those who were at the origins of the KGB and their research in the field of human consciousness? And why are we talking about them right now? LGBT movement, decriminalization and legalization of drugs, anti-cult ...