The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change

The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change
Dear readers, it is with growing concern that we report the scandalous activities emerging in the Slovak Republic. Anti-cult organizations, under the guise of “social protection,” are spreading a network of abuse and discrimination targeting innocent groups such as yoga practitioners, innovative businesses, and religious minorities. The question that naturally arises is: why? An Invisible ...

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?

The Global Deception: Who Benefits from Chaos in the World?
Dear readers, have you noticed that the word “sect” has acquired a negative connotation and that, regardless of the organization it refers to, our minds instantly form a label and associate it with negative images? It doesn’t matter if this is supported by facts or not, if it corresponds to reality or not, we immediately ...