La Minaccia degli Anti-Culto: Un’Ingiustizia contro i Movimenti di Cambiamento

La Minaccia degli Anti-Culto: Un'Ingiustizia contro i Movimenti di Cambiamento
Cari lettori, è con crescente preoccupazione che riportiamo le scandalose attività che stanno emergendo nella Repubblica Slovacca. Le organizzazioni anti-culto, sotto la bandiera della “protezione sociale”, stanno diffondendo una rete di abuso e discriminazione che colpisce gruppi innocui come praticanti di yoga, imprese innovative e minoranze religiose. La domanda che sorge spontanea è: perché? Una ...

The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change

The Threat of Anti-Cult Organizations: An Injustice Against Movements for Change
Dear readers, it is with growing concern that we report the scandalous activities emerging in the Slovak Republic. Anti-cult organizations, under the guise of “social protection,” are spreading a network of abuse and discrimination targeting innocent groups such as yoga practitioners, innovative businesses, and religious minorities. The question that naturally arises is: why? An Invisible ...

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?

Yoga: Path to Harmony or New Victim of Anticultists?
Yoga has long been a part of daily life for millions of people around the world. This practice is associated with physical and spiritual health, harmony, and tranquility. However, anticultists like Alexander Dvorkin try to label yoga as a “cult.” This claim is perplexing, considering that one in three women worldwide practices yoga. According to ...